Sermon Notes

Atonement Leviticus 23:26-32


1. Turn with me in your Bibles to Leviticus 23:26-32.

2. Mark that spot and go to Genesis 3 and we will be starting there.

3. I decided after seeking Yahweh's desire for today to take a closer look at this
festival called Atonement.

4. I don't know about you but this is a really exciting place to be and to look at.

5. But the truth is, it is a lot deeper than we talk about sometimes.

6. One of the temptations with the festivals, after participating in them awhile is
to become complacent and sometimes to just go through the motions.

7. I don't want to do that, and I don't want you to do that either, I want His
Festivals to be alive and fresh to us.

8. I think that is the walk He wants us to have with Him, one that is fresh and new

9. A relationship we can wake up every morning excited and hardly being able to
contain ourselves with the excitement of want to see what He does next and the
places He takes us to.

10. I remember when I first can to know Him and how excited I was about this
relationship I have with Him.

11. Timothy is told to flame the flames, to stay fresh in what Yahweh had called
Him too, and I believe we need to do the same things.

12. That is why I wanted to step away from the Book of John today and look at
this day of Atonement.

13. This is about His Gospel in the fullest context of the meaning and is what we
are called to do, is to proclaim the Gospel of Yahshua Messiah.

14. Let's read Leviticus 23:26-32, Pray!

I. It is at this point that the Day of Atonement has started.

A. Look at Leviticus 23:26-32

1. Most would say this starts in Lev. 16 and it does sort of.

a. Turn with me to Genesis 3 and we can see it again in Gen. 4. (And it has to do
with being driven out because of sin)

1). Look at Genesis 3:8-24. (We know that Adam and Eve had partaken of
the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, which they had been told
not to do)

2). Look at Gensis 3:23-24 (Because of this man was "driven out" of the
garden and would be working the ground in an area outside of the

3). This word "to drive out". (Hebrew is gaw-rash and it means to drive
out, but it also means "To Divorce" as in divorcing a women and
comes from a RT word Kaw-rath that means divorce as in writing a
bill of divorcement)

4). Now interestingly enough. (The word "garden of Eden" garden in the
Hebrew is "gar" and it means "fenced area" and "Eden" Hebrew
means "Adam's dwelling" but the RT word is ay-den and it means
pleasure or delight)

5). Now this is even more interesting. (There is a GK word paradeisos
which means park and is used in reference to Eden and we find this in
Luke 23:43 where Yahshua tells one of the men on the execution stake
with Him that day, today you will be with Me in paradise)

6). Now I want to go deeper here. (In Genesis 2:17, Adam was told to not
partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the Hebrew
word for "knowledge here is "dah-ath" and it is in reference to
having "moral knowledge" of good and evil)

7). Now in this same verse Genesis 2:17. (We find Yahweh telling Adam he is
not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the word eat
in the Hebrew is akal and it means in this passage to devour or to

8). So in this we can see. (A much deeper issue than just knowing about
moral good and evil but instead to devour or consume good and evil
not to mention disobedience, this whole idea leads us to the idea of
adultery, especially with the understanding of Yahweh giving Adam
a bill of divorcement)

9). Now look at Genesis 3:20. (Adam named his wife "Eve" and in Hebrew
means "life giver" and look back to Genesis 3:15, Yahweh is addressing
the serpent and Yahweh says that it will be from her "seed" the
"seed" of the "life giver" that a "life giver" will come and bruise the
head of the serpent or to defeat the serpent)

10). Look at Heb. 2:14-18. (Yahshua Messiah is the "Life Saver" or the
"Giver of Life" that came from the woman's seed the "life givers"
seed to give life to us who are the seed of man or as described here
Abraham's seed)

11). Look also at 1 John 3:7-10. (Through Yahshua Messiah and His work
we take on the Seed of Yahweh the "Life Giver" and have His seed)

2. This goes back to Leviticus 16:

a. If you look at Leviticus 16:1. (We find that it goes back to Leviticus 10:1-2 where
Aarons sons had presented strange fire and incense before Yahweh and
they were burned up)

1). We see what took place. (They took "firepans" put "fire" in it and
some "incense in it took it to the holy place, and offered it to Yahweh

2). Turn to Exodus 30:1-10. (We find here the instructions for offering the
incense to Yahweh, the place of the altar of incense was in the holy
place just in front of the veil entering into the Holy of Holies)

3). It is also noteworthy. (The altar of incense as well as all of the things
used in the Tabernacle had be made according to His instructions,
and they had to be set apart, not just anything could be used)

a). Look at Exodus 30:9 (The incense burnt on the incense alter is no to
Be strange or unauthorize, and in the Hebrew, it means it can’t be
Profaned and profane means to desecrate, and if you look we can
See this, no drink offering or grain offering on it, the fire had to
Come from the burning offering altar)

b). Look at Exodus 40:34-38 (Because of the glory of Yahweh filling the
the Tabernacle, so much so that Moses could not enter tent of
meeting that Yahweh Himself was the one who lit the fire of the
alter of burning, we see the same pattern in Leviticus 9:24 and
2 Chronicles 7:1)

c). And this fire. (Was not to go out, Leviticus 6:8-13 even the ashes were
holy and could not be just put any place there was to be a
consecrated place to put them)

4). So, these two. (Took their own firepans, and some fire from another
fire and some incense they chose and went to the altar of incense
and offered that up to Yahweh where He said He would meet with

d). Now let’s look at this whole thing. (Turn with me to Leviticus 10:8-11
if you will notice it is prohibited for the priest to get drunk and enter
the Tabernacle or the Temple, if a priest did that they would die

5). The Hebrew word for strange. (Is zoor and it means strange, foreign
but can also be translated as adultery, so this was the same thing as
bringing another lover into the house of the husband and the house
is defiled, and to profane)

6). So, think about this. (Yahweh is in His chambers and has these men
come into His house with a strange lover and Yahweh meets them
at the door)

b. Now Yahweh is calling them to make atonement. (Atonement in the
Hebrew is Kaw-far and means to cover, we find this same word in Gen.
6:14 this is Noah making the ark)

c. Two words are very important here. (The first is gopher in the Hebrew
means house or dwelling, the second is pitch which is Kaw-far and is
same word meaning to cover or atone for)

d. So, in this passage of Scripture. (Genesis 6:14 Yahweh is telling Noah to
bring his family into Yahweh house or dwelling and He would atone
for them there)

e. Now back to Leviticus 16. (Aaron is to bring a Sacrifice for Himself and the
people and Aaron is to wear holy linen tunic as well as linen under
garments, and he has to bath his body)

f. Now notice. (There are 2 goats involved with this, one for Yahweh and
the other is for azazel which means scapegoat is sent in the wilderness
and look at V21 Aaron was to lay both hands on the head of the
scapegoat and confess all of Israel's sins and wrong doing and rebellious
acts are included in that)

g. Now look at Leviticus 16:30. (This is for the cleansing of sins for all of Israel
including any foreigner living within their gates)

h. Look at Romans 5:1- 21. (Look at 1 Peter 2:24 the word bare in the GK is
to "Take up" or be the azazel crucified outside the camp, so He was
not only our Passover Lamb but was our azazel (scapegoat that bore
our sins and atoned for us and made us clean)

i. Look at Revelation 19:6-10. (Revelation 19 is titled the Marriage Supper of the
Lamb and if you will notice as the rest of the world is being judged so is
the bride, but in this case it is based on the righteous acts of the saints
which is represented by the white linen she is given to wear)

j. Now there is one more judgment. (Turn to Revelation 20:11-15, mostly heard of
as The Great White Throne Judgment, this is not the nation of Israel,
this is the judgment for the nations spoken of by In Leviticus
16 we are talking about the Atonement for Israel the nation, but this one
In the judgment of all the nations and will take place in the Valley of
Jehoshaphat, or known to us as the Kidron Valley)

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