Sermon Notes

Romans 5:1-2


1. Turn with me in your Bible today to Rom. 5:1-2.

2. Last week we took a look at Rom. 4:9-25.

3. We saw, Abraham was justified before circumcision. V9-25

A. There is a lot of discussion on this topic every year about Passover.

1. Paul poses the question, Is the blessing for the circumcised only or is for the
The uncircumcised as well?

a. Let’s look at the question carefully. (The questions point is not about the
circumcision but the question really is about the blessing that comes to
a man when he is justified, remember we are still talking about what
David said, How joyful or happy, or blessed is the man whose sins have
Been forgiven apart from works)

b. Now I just used the word justified. (And Scripture uses righteous which
in the GK they are related words, to be “righteous” in the GK is the
word dik-ah-yos-oo-nay and means equity, justification, righteous and
the word “justified” dik-ah-yo-o and means render innocent to justify
and to be righteous)

c. In the Hebrew we find the same thing. (To be justified in the Heb. Is
Tsaw-dak and means to be right, to clear self, turn to righteousness but
Tsed-aw-kaw and it mean righteous and justice)

1). Let’s look at this closer. (Paul in this passage of Scripture is talking
Abraham being righteous so we need to look at Gen. 15:6 and we
Find that the word is unlike tsaw-dak which can be used to describe
Making oneself be righteous, which is not the case in Gen. 15:6)

2). In Gen. 15:6. (It is Yahweh who concluded or determined that
Abraham was righteous and pronounce him righteous, why? Because
Abraham believed Yahweh! Look at Deut. 32:1-4 called just,
Righteous and true. Look at Ps. 119:137-138 once again He is
Righteous and so are His ways righteous in all He does. Look at Is. 45:
20-21 there is none other but Him)

3). Back to Gen. 15:1-6. (Could it be that Abraham knew Yahweh’s
Character? Abraham knew that Yahweh was righteous so what ever
Yahweh said that Yahweh would carry out what He said He would
And that is why Abraham believed Yahweh?)

4). This seems to be. (Look at Gen. 22:1-19 Abraham takes Isaac to Mt.
Moriah to sacrifice Isaac because Yahweh told him too, but look
At what Abraham was thinking, turn to Heb. 11:17-19 see Abraham
Believed what Yahweh said so He did what Yahweh told him to do
Because Abraham believed Yahweh was righteous in all His ways)

5). Abraham believed in Yahweh’s. (Righteousness and that what ever
Yahweh said Yahweh would do, believe in the fact that He is
Righteous in all His ways is the key to being pronounced righteous

6). Now look at Gen. 15:7-20. (Now remember we are talking about a
Not only a covenant of being righteous, and receiving a child from
Yahweh’s promise, but a land as well, but I want you to see something
Very important that is sometimes missed when these things are

7). In Genesis 15:8. (Abraham asks Yahweh how he will know all of this is
True, so Yahweh has Abraham prepare a 3 year old cow, a female
Goat, a 3 year old ram, a turtle dove and a young pigeon, Yahweh had
Abraham split the animals and lay them opposite of each other, but
He did not cut up the bird, this would have caused blood to flow in the
Middle between the halves)

8). Now this. (Was a covenant done back in those day’s and it was done
Between a lesser and greater and as they walked between the halves
Blood would stain their robes and the idea was that the greater was
Saying to the lesser if you do for me what I ask then I will do what
For you and the other way around be you or I fail to do this then you
Can do to me what has been done to these animals)

9). But if you will look. (Abraham never took that walk, Yahweh did
Showing that He would carry this out Himself, all of this was the
Covenant that Abraham entered into by faith in Yahweh our
Righteous Eloheem)

10). And in chapter 17 of Genesis. (Circumcision was and is a sign of the
Covenant made between Abraham and Abraham’s offspring that
Entered into by faith look at Gal. 3:27-29 we become offspring of
Abraham by putting on Messiah Yahshua)

4. As we have been discussing faith, Paul, starting in verse begins to transition into the topic of life as a believer.

5. Read Rom. 5:1-2, Pray!

I. Paul starts to talk about how faith causes us to triumph. V1-2

A. Just a little review for us to transition.

a. The word righteous. (Means to be rendered innocent and is a legal term
as being pronounced not guilty in a court of law, remember our sin or
trespassed have separated us from a relationship with Yahweh)
b. But there is another aspect of what His blood did for us. (His blood cleanses
us from sin, look at Heb. 9:22-28, also Heb. 8:1-6 The true tabernacle)

c. Now look at Heb. 10:19-25. (In v22 we see that His blood also cleanses us
from a evil conscience and washes us with pure water, the Holy Spirit
and makes us clean)

d. Look also at Lev. 16:15-16. (Now remember the animal sacrifice was a
copy of the true Tabernacle in the heavens, so their understanding
of this process would have been for their cleansing as well as forgiveness)

e. Do not buy into the thought. (That we are sinners saved by grace, we were
sinners that were and are being saved, go to Romans 1:7 Paul in his
letters to the congregations calls them saints not sinners)

f. Look at Eph. 2:1-6. (Paul makes it clear here that we were dead and did
walk like the dead, but that is not the case, in fact it is completely
opposite now we are alive and seated with Him in the heavens through)

g. Which brings us to Rom. 5:1-2. (Now I want you to hear what Paul in
saying here, “since we have been declared righteous” he didn’t say if
we have been declared righteous, he said since we HAVE been meaning
it has already happened)

h. And because we have been declared righteous. (We have peace with
Yahweh through our Master Yahshua Messiah, in the GK there are
Three words used for peace, but the one used in this case is i-ray-nay
And it means one, peace, quietness, rest and to set at one again, and to
Have prosperity)

1). In the Hebrew. (There are a couple of different words for peace but the
One we would use of course is shalom which means to be safe, happy
To have health and prosperity)

2). Now this is important for us to understand. (Look at Eph. 2, I want to
Look at what Paul is talking about because of what Yahweh did
Through Yahshua Messiah He made alive from the dead, He raised
Us up with Messiah and He seated us in the heavens with Him)

3). Now this GK word to be seated. (Means to be seated in company with
Messiah Yahweh, so this begs the question where is the place we are
Seated with Him?)

4). Now in Eph. 2:6. (We are seated in company with Him in the heavenly
Places and the GK word used here means above the ski and celestial
And places in the GK actually means a fixed position and we know
That according to Heb. 8:1-6 says the same thing)

5). Isaiah 6:1-2. (Isaiah is taken in a vision into the temple and he
The scene in the temple which certainly seems not to be an earthly one
But would seem to be the that was not made with hands)

6). Look at Rev. 21:1-8. (We see that there is going to be a new heaven
And a new earth where the New Jerusalem descends from the heavens
To the earth and in V5 there was one seated on the throne and this
Calles Himself the Alpha and Omega just as in Rev. 1:8 and in Is.

7). Now I am not saying. (That His presence was never here because it
Was, look at Lev. 16:2 where Aaron is told he cannot come behind the
Veil whenever he wants to because of Yahweh’s presence in the cloud
Over the mercy seat, and am however discussing another temple
Called the true temple, one made without human hands that we are
Seated with Him and will come down from the heavens and He will
Dwell with humanity)

8). But there still more. (Back to Eph. 2:7 He will display His
Immeasurable riches of His grace through us who believe through
His kindness to us in Messiah Yahshua)

9). And we are His creations. (And we are created for good works and we
Are to walk in those good works that He set up ahead of time)

10). I want to talk about the verses starting in V11. (Notice, Paul says “at
One time” let’s stop right there for a moment these words imply that
There has been a change of what we once were and if we look at the
Next word it says Gentiles, so at one time we were Gentiles and this
Implies that we are no longer Gentiles)

11). Look at verse 12. (We were without Messiah, and because of that we
Were excluded from the citizenship of Israel, now look closer Paul is
Speaking in past tense, we were Gentiles, and we were excluded from
Citizenship with Israel)

12). Look at Gen. 12:3. (The word family is one used for one’s relatives the
Hebrew word is mish-paw-kwah)

13). Back to Eph. 2:14. (For He is our peace and He made the two one man
What do you think that means made the two one man, look at the
Context of the passage, we are talking about Israel and Gentiles,
Which means that He has in Messiah made Gentiles into Israel)

14). Paul describes this in Rom 11:11-24. (Look at V17 we were grafted into
This cultivated olive tree, but you might say how do we know that he
Means Israel look at Jere. 11:16 which we find that the olive tree is a
Name that Yahweh had given to them)

15). I don’t know about you but I think this is important. (The word gentile in
Hebrew is go-ee and it means people, and specifically heathen people
So Paul is pointing to the fact that you are no longer heathen but
Instead are part of Israel)

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